Last night America voted Kevin Skinner the $1 Million Grand Prize. This is just another example of the "dumbing down" of the good, old USA. It's bad enough when tens of millions think a Wal-Mart store is a mecca exceeding the Taj Mahal in grandeur. But to vote this phony chicken catcher the top prize over the truly fabulous classical singer Barbara Padilla, much less at least a half-dozen other far more deserving, genuinely talented acts, is about as ridiculous as things can get. What nationwide vote could be more egregious?

Well, maybe electing Sarah Palin to a position just a heartbeat away from the Presidency would qualify. (Who in their right mind could honestly believe she was experienced enough or intelligent enough for the job?) Yet, millions voted for her, just as, apparently, millions voted for her cousin Kevin. The only thing that rivals these two horrendous mistakes in judgement was my personal decision to attend the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a Master's Degree in Film Production. What a waste of time and money. Then again, that was a long, long time ago...
maybe you shoulda gone to a and coulda gotten your masters in chickin' catchin'....and be a million dollars ritcher for it....mrn
and that's the way they learned meto spel down ther....mrn
i still say all she needs is a brass pole....and i'd slip her a couple of twenties....
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